Silent Pool: from artisan gin to hand sanitiser

Silent Pool Distillery responded to the global pandemic in the very best way: switching from making artisan gin to much-needed hand sanitiser. The next step was notifying those that needed it of its existence. Then, a little issue of lobbying the government came up…

Our response?

Our approach was two-fold: raise awareness of the service to notify those helping the vulnerable, and shout about our quest to lobby the government to scrap the duty small distilleries were being charged (so they could make the sanitiser in larger quantities).


We secured coverage everywhere from Forbes to the and as well as all the key Trades and Regionals. This awareness paved the way for huge demand, allowing Silent Pool to help countless people in need. After gaining the attention of local MP Sir Paul Beresford through our news-led lobbying,the duty paid by small distilleries was removed. This meant that more businesses were able to start producing sanitiser, further helping the national effort. Job well done by all!